Promote Health

Health promotion

Employee health management

We hire full-time nursing staff to take care of health promotion, health checkups, and anomaly follow-up and management for all employees. They also practice privacy protection to ensure zero access to the health information of employees, except the corresponding employees and nursing staff. Every year we offer health checkups to employees at a frequency higher than the regulatory requirements. Additionally, we arrange advanced checkups for employees with a service length of five or more years. We also plan additional special health checkups for employees working in specific areas (noise, dust, or high temperature). Furthermore, we implement graded follow-up and management for employees based on their checkup results. Grade 1 cases are normal. Grade 2 cases need health education and instructions. Grade 3 cases require referrals and periodic follow-ups to prevent health risks.

Health promotion activities

We organized the “2023 YOKE Road Running Family Day: Let’s Go Party” at Tung Hai University. A total of 476 employees and their family joined the event. With road-running as the focus, we encouraged employees to promote health through exercise. We designed the Coffee 10K, Challenge 5K, and Family 3K events for employees to challenge themselves. The Coffee and Challenge events were implemented as a race. In addition to road-running, we also arranged a fair, family interactive games, and the performance of the YOKE Dream Band to promote parent-child relationship development and deepen the understanding among the family of employees.

In 2023 we held the “Joyous Noel Concert” in the outdoor garden at HQ for the first time. With the jazz performance given by professional jazz bands, employees shared the joy of Christmas, broke away from the busy routine, and interacted and had fun with employees of other departments. Through the joyous feedback of employees, we hoped that they could extend such joy to work so as to promote collaboration and teamwork and build a more harmonious work family.


Workout environment

Internal resources: In additional to the gym of nearly 530m2 on the second floor of the administration building equipped with 60 sets of various fitness equipment, we have also built a yoga classroom on the 4th floor. Employees are entitled to the free use of the said facilities for indoor training after work. Apart from making full use of the gym equipment, we also hire professional trainers to give classes in the premises. In 2023 muscle strength training was given on Thursdays, kickboxing workout was arranged on Mondays in the first three quarters, and yoga was organized in Q4 to train the body and develop the mind of employees.

External resources: We signed contracts with the Chaoma Civil Sports Center and North District Sports Center for employees to use the facilities there with discounts.

Workout environment

Health talks

We organized one health talk each quarter based on the abnormal health checkup results in the previous year, recent epidemic diseases, and the top ten causes of death. The topics included “Healthier with Less Lipids and Lower Tension: Hypertension and Hyperlipemia Prevention” and “Lung Adenocarcinoma Prevention and Sudden Cardiac Death”. We also investigated employee needs with questionnaires and organized the “Relieving Sore Neck with Acupressure” and “Farewell to Sore Muscle: Fascia Relaxation Together” for employees to pay more attention to physical health.

Blood donation

We organized blood donations in collaboration with the Taichung Blood Center. In 2023 a total of 45 employees joined the activity and donated 64 bags of blood, each 250-ml.

Blood donation

“Lose Fat with Exercise” Fat Loss Competition

We encourage employees to develop an exercise habit in the daily life. As the health checkup in the previous year found that up to 217 employees, accounting for 63.1% of all employees, had a BMI >24kg/m2 (overweight). As obesity and metabolic syndrome will increase the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes, we thus organized the “Lose Fat with Exercise” fat loss competition, with 30 employees joining the competition and losing 25.4% of body fat.

Physical fitness test

We organized the physical fitness test in collaboration with external fitness centers to give exercise advice to employees. Together with the weekly aerobic and muscle strength classes, we encouraged employees to exercise based on the test results so as to understand the current status of training and body composition and thereby motivate themselves to exercise.

Physical fitness test

Employee club activities

We established the hiking club, road-running clod, and badminton club without about 71 members. We funded each club to organize one external training each month to facilitate friendly and exercise promotion through club activities.

YOKE Industrial Corp.

#39, 33rd Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan


Tel: +886-4-2350-8088

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