In-depth Talent Development and Nurturing

Here at YOKE, we emphasize holistic learning and development for employees. By taking the Company’s vision and mission into account and through the analyses of the internal/external operating environment (i.e. Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis and so forth), we were able to formulate our business strategies, from which we derive our short, medium and long-term development plans.
Our annual training plan is formulated each year in November based on the need for internal/external training submitted by different departments and YOKE’s annual development plan in conjunction with our internal On the Job (OJT) training to boost employees’ professional competence
Digital transformation of learning and development
To build multifaceted learning channels and continuously develop the professional competencies and self-learning needs of employees, in 2023 we introduced the e-learning training platform, digitized the management of education and training courses, and progressively developed e-learning teaching materials, including corporate regulations, product specifications, occupational safety, and manufacturing process to digitize 87% of required fundamental courses. In 2023 we initiated the manufacturing skills e-learning course production project, inventoried the skills of various stations, filmed each procedure and step, and planned and produced 158 e-learning lessons. The production of all lessons as completed, and all lessons already went live for employees to learn the production technology through those videos at their own pace and for key knowledge and technologies to be retained and passed down through digitization.
Training roadmap
Training is implemented based on the operational strategies and talents deployment in correspondence to the organizational structure and vision. A comprehensive training roadmap is established based on the competence development needs. Courses are planned by job grade. Apart from planning required courses for professional training, quality control, and management, each year different training programs are offered in response to the future development strategies. In 2023 we included corporate sustainability as a required core course in the management and professional training modules to enhance the ESG concept of employees and develop a total consensus. By combining complete education and training plan with performance and development, we provide employees with opportunities for promotion and job rotation so as to develop all-round talents.
Achievement and effectiveness follow-up
The total hours of training in 2023 of all employees were 11,666 hours, which were 1,621 hours more than that of 2022. The average hours of training per employee were 24.56 hours, which were 2.19 hours more than that of 2022. As the impact of COVID-19 was over in 2023, the training courses for different jobs were offered according to the annual training plan. The amelioration of the e-learning course system also resolved the course shortage problem. Fine-tuning of the description of training hours:
Additionally, the average hours of education and training for male base-level officers, specialists, and direct labor were higher than that of the female in 2023 because the more male employees from training units participated in internal and external training courses.
To verify the training efficacy, we have set the post-training evaluation indicators for each lesson and set the evaluation levels based on the course planning with reference to the Kirkpatrick Model. For example, employees must pass the L2 evaluation for professional courses, the L3 evaluation for 8D improvement procedures or license courses, and the L4 evaluation for process organization courses.
In 2023 the average course satisfaction was 4.62 marks. Professional courses covered manufacturing process courses, quality control courses, ESH courses, and business knowledge sharing courses, with a total of 131 lessons. All trainees completed the post-training tests or submitted the training report. A total of 99.22% of employees receiving external training, such as the ESH license courses and quality management courses, passed the certification and received the respective certificates or licenses. We will continue to verify that employees practice the acquired knowledge and skills in work through training efficacy evaluation so as to make continual improvement of the training program.

Knowledge management system
Each month we hold the corporate knowledge review meeting. Corporate knowledge passing the reviewed will be preserved in the knowledge management center of the training platform and shared and passed down through physical sharing meetings and e-learning courses. We have established the knowledge management (KM) platform to store corporate knowledge. Currently, we have preserved 12 categories of knowledge, including production, quality control, business management, human resources, finance, labor safety and other related knowledge, for all departments to preserve the information and knowledge of various processes and for all employees to learn corporate knowledge over the platform. In 2023 a total of 9 applications passed the corporate knowledge evaluation and 11 knowledge sharing meetings were held, with 764 participants for the physical sharing meetings and 409 participants for the e-learning courses. In response to the global net-zero emission trend, one knowledge sharing meeting was focused on carbon reduction to develop a corporate culture of total carbon reduction.
Skill proficiency test
To develop more skills and encourage employees to optimize manufacturing techniques through learning, we started the “skill proficiency tests” on the jobs of employees in 2017. These tests are divided into three levels: A, B, and C. They are combined with the OJT system to provide employees with education and training. Written and practical tests are given in fixed months. The validity of each test is one year. Employees must take the tests every year.
New employees for whom the skill proficiency test are applicable will be required to pass their Level A test within three months after their report to duty to ensure the quality of their work. We have also combined the skill proficiency tests with the allowance scheme. Employees must pass the Level A test before they are eligible to apply for the Level B tests and then Level C tests. Additionally, employees must pass the Levels B and C tests before they are qualified to receive the relevant allowances and skill badges. With this policy, we aim to encourage employees to learn and upgrade themselves aggressively. Skill proficiency tests have been implemented to all employees of the manufacturing units, QC units, test centers, and materials control units.

Level A
- Skill proficiency test: Three months after arrival or new employees or transferred employees
- Pass: 299 employees
Level B
- Skill proficiency test: Employees passing the Level A test and meeting the seniority and performance requirements.
- Pass: 38 employees (accounting for 12.71% of employees passing the Level A test)
Level C
- Skill proficiency test: Employees passing the Level B test and meeting the seniority and performance requirements.
- Pass: None so far.