Corporate Sustainability Rreport


Reinforcing supplier management

Supplier Management Mechanism

YOKE differentiates its procurements according to their nature (2 major categories) and degree of materiality (3 major categories; and purchases made with our outsourced processing service suppliers fall under the category of “activities”). With the exception of general purchases/activities, all suppliers involved in our procurements have been placed at different tiers with an assessment conducted at different frequencies - periodic assessment and annual audit. In addition, YOKE has also been assisting suppliers to achieve growth and upgrade so that we could collaborate and grow together to propel the industry chain for safety hook lifting components and high-altitude operation fall-proof safety equipment.
Starting from 2019 onward, we have drafted our supplier social responsibility commitment letter to be signed by suppliers and returned to YOKE. As of the end of 2022, of the 284 suppliers in our audit roster, 205 (72.18%) had signed and returned the commitment. In addition, all new suppliers are requested to sign the supplier social commitment before they can become qualified suppliers.

Type of Procurement

.Industrial safety lifting components and accessories
.High Altitude Operation Fall-proof Safety Equipment and Fittings

Critical Degree

.Key components/Activities
.Non-key components/Activities
.General Purchases/Activities

Supplier Rating

.New Supplier Evaluation
.Annual Supplier Audit
.Supplier Re-evaluation

Supplier Evaluation

New suppliers must pass our supplier assessment before YOKE may place orders with them. The assessment criteria include corporate liability-related management systems, promotion of energy-saving plans, availability of an internal/external mailbox for grievances, promotion of charity events, and prior punishments by competent authority for having violated economic, environmental, human resources, or product-related laws and regulations. In 2022, 3 suppliers passed our new supplier assessment. In 2021, the supplier control procedures will be revised, and special process suppliers will be re-evaluated every 2 years, critical component suppliers will be re-evaluated every 3 years, and non-critical procurement suppliers will be re-evaluated more frequently if their quality and delivery time meet the standards set by YOKE, based on the significance of the procurement amount (one evaluation every 5 years for transactions amounting to NT$10 million in the past year). In December 2022, 21 suppliers were re-evaluated and 100% of them met the requirements. By the end of 2022, a total of 284 suppliers have passed our assessment, though only 238 of them had actually had business with YOKE.

In 2022, 3 suppliers passed our new supplier assessment.

A supplier has to score 70 or higher in order to become a qualified supplier and registered in our list of qualified suppliers. Suppliers who scored 69 or lower were required to rectify their given issues or propose plans for rectification within 45 days to be eligible for the re-assessment process. Among those that failed to score 60 (Group E), they were required to submit their plans for rectification within 2 months and YOKE would assess the supplier 4 months later after the issue in question has been rectified. Suppliers who fail to achieve the required rectification shall be penalized in accordance with our procurement strategy - to have their order quantity reduced or remove them from our list of qualified suppliers. In 2022, 21 suppliers were evaluated and passed the evaluation, with an average score of 81.05, up by 0.09% over 2021.

By the end of 2022, a total of 284 suppliers have passed our assessment, though only 238 of them had actually had business with YOKE.
Search for new suppliersEligible candidates fill out our supplier questionnairesEvaluation and discussion by relevant departmentsOn-site audit and quality inspectionInclusion in our list of qualified suppliersSampling and small batch productionFormal order placement

Supplier annual written audit

The annual supplier audit only applies to critical and non-critical suppliers and the audit is conducted in the form of a written review of their quality, price, delivery, and service (QPDS). This audit takes place once a year and QPDS results of suppliers are reflected upon and discussed on a yearly basis. In order to be added to our list of qualified suppliers, suppliers must score 65 or higher in their annual audit. Suppliers who failed to score 65 points shall be identified as targets that require further on-site audit and assistance for rectification and will be required to address the situation within 2 months before the outcome of rectification is verified in 4 months’ time. Suppliers who fail to make the rectifications shall be dealt with in accordance with YOKE’s procurement strategies. In 2022, we had a total of 284 raw material suppliers, 262 of them were added to our list of qualified suppliers. All 238 audited suppliers passed the audit.


Safety is our first priority and
core CSR value

39, 33rd Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan 

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#39, 33rd Road,Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan
