Customer Service

Excellent customer service

Customer Service

The 8 series is a series of independently developed and manufactured own-brand “YOKE” products. Through the global distribution system, dealers distribute products and offer timely service and support for local customers. We also assign field application engineers (FAEs) to help local dealers understand the professional knowledge and correct use of YOKE products and the latest specifications and standards. Through the FAE policy, we offer services worldwide to cover the USA, Mexico, Canada, China, India, the Middle East, and Vietnam. Apart from optimizing the quality of customer service, such a practice also enhances the stability of product use and enrich the dealer’s understanding of the professional knowledge of YOKE products.

World-leading PPE brands are major clients for the N-series featuring OEM products. Sales personnel must maintain constant communication and discussion with customers to better understand their product development needs and provide them with our latest products so as to create more business opportunities and improve the quality of customer service.

Customer satisfaction

Based on sales volume ranking, the CRM system distributes questionnaires automatically each year to shorten the time for producing statistics and exactly capture the customer clicks so as to effective enhance the customer response rate. The questionnaires were collected and analyzed to generate a report presented during the monthly quality meeting for review.

Handling of customer feedback

We value customer feedback. Through the Customer Voice (CV Form) and Corrective Action Report (CAR Form), we manage and address customer feedback. In 2023 we received 42 CVs, 10 more than that of 2022, and one CAR, one more than that of 2022. The number of CVs increased mainly because of the continual improvement and optimization of new products. The was one CAR because of our failure to timely notify the customer of our engineering change process, resulting in the product-label inconsistency. The correction was eventually completed after adjusting the sticker format and synchronously adjusting notification procedure of the EC process. We continuously review and improve the specifications required by customers through meeting. Apart from making engineering changes, we also revised the notification procedure to continuously fulfill the customer demand.

YOKE Industrial Corp.

#39, 33rd Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan


Tel: +886-4-2350-8088

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2023 Yoke CSR Report

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