Greenhouse gas inventory

GHG and energy managemen

YOKE’s first step towards climate change response began with our risk assessment and inventory of GHG emissions. The risk assessment enabled us to gain a preliminary understanding of the risks involved. At the same time, we sought to establish a functional set of performance indicators that we can rely on for climate change mitigation and adaptation through a standardized collection procedure of quantified data taken from our GHG inventory.

GHG Inventory

In 2023 the total of Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions was 4,918.44tCO2e, and the Scope 3 GHG emissions (from purchased products) were 1,052.66tCO2e. All have passed third-party verification by external certification bodies. After relocating the processing process originally in Plant I to the processing plant (Plant V) in August 2023, we adjusted the scope of inventory of Plant 1 and reset the base year to 2023. Plant I emissions reduced after line relocation and order reduction because of global economic recession.

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Operation Site Factory 1, Factory 2 Factory 1, Factory 2 Factory 1, Factory 2 Factory 1, Factory 2 Factory 1, Factory 2
Scope 1 (direct greenhouse gas emissions and removal) 222.68 187.35 193.54 318.15 227.90
Scope 2 (indirect greenhouse gas emissions from imported energy) 5,166.81 4,342.92 4,811.26 7,354.34 4,690.54
Scope 1 and 2 combined 5,389.49 4,530.27 5,004.80 7,672.50 4,918.44
Greenhouse emission intensity (metric tons of CO2e/million NT$) 1.75 1.91 1.77 2.10 1.63
Scope 3 (emissions from purchased goods) (Not inventoried) (Not inventoried) 999.74 1,185.82 1,052.66
Note 1: Scopes 1, 2, 3 of the unit: metric tons of CO2e
Note 2: The greenhouse inventory was implemented in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018 version, and SGS has been commissioned to conduct the third-party verification.
Note 3: Category 2 emissions are attributed to electrical power, and in 2023 we adopted the latest emission factor of 0.495 tCO2e/GWh as published by the Energy Bureau in 2022.
Note 4: For fuel and refrigerant emission coefficients, we referred to Emission Factor Table 6.0.4 from the research summary of greenhouse gas emissions published by the Environmental Protection Agency, Executive Yuan.
Note 5: We adopted the global warming potential as stated in the IPCC AR5 for the GWP in 2013.

YOKE Industrial Corp.

#39, 33rd Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan


Tel: +886-4-2350-8088

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